Have a question about our using The Parsi Directory? We have selected some of the most frequently asked questions to give you a better insight into our website.
You need to enter your personal / business information on the page titled Register. Please include all your details for maximum benefit and exposure of your organisation.
Once you list yourself, it takes 24-48 hours for the user to be listed online. There is an authentication procedure, which the Administrator needs to perform before your listing is made available, online. If your listing does not appear even after 48 hours of registration, please contact webteam@on-lyne.com help you in the matter.
Please click here if you have forgot your password and enter your email ID for the password to be automatically emailed to you. Please ensure that the email ID you enter must match the email ID with which you are originally registered.
On the Menu, there is a MYPROFILE section where you can enter your User ID and Password. Once you are logged in to the community you will get options to edit the details of your account. You may edit any or all the details except the user ID which will remain the same for the life of your account.
When others search for criteria's matching your name or company profile they will see your name and other details in the list of Individuals displayed. They can then choose to contact you by email.
You can search for individual through the "Individual Search" link.